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Since i was born, ballet has been part of my life. The discipline mixed with art and structure made me think to follow another professional study which had the same base. This is how I decided to study architecture, to transfer the knowledge that I applied only to my body, and take it to another level.

Today, with the belief that both specialties are complementary, I seek to continue perfecting myself as a dancer and architect. That said, I can refer to myself as a person capable of facing various aesthetic challenges, and always looking for new languages either to communicate or to decipher hidden concepts. I think teamwork is key when it comes to tackling a project, that's why I am a person who likes planning and carry out logistics tasks.
The double facet of both disciplines, allow me to define myself as a methodical and organized person, but also creative and curious.

The architectural space is nothing but new opportunities for human movement. 
And I, I don't want to miss that.

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